Train your Brain
Brain Training

Train your Brain to Dream, Create

January 4, 2017 motherblog 0

Our brain is the most powerful and complex organ and computer we will ever have access to in our lives. While most of us never come close to maximizing our brain’s potential, we still have […]

Brain Training

Brainstorming Domains: BR.AINSTORM.COM

June 28, 2015 motherblog 0

BR.AINSTORM.COM is what is sometimes referred to as a “domain hack”. This is when characters in all three components of the domain name are moved around to create a word or phrase, with a different […]

Elevate - Brain Training Game
Brain Training

The Productivity Benefits of Routine

March 23, 2015 motherblog 1

I have three weeks remaining until the beginning of my next globetrotting journey. With much to do and not much time, I have fortunately found a productive rhythm – through the benefits of routine. One […]

The founding of AFRIKA.SPACE
Brain Training

Brainstorming Domains: AFRIKA.SPACE

February 24, 2015 motherblog 0

Shortly after reading that ICANN seeks improved domain and website access across Africa – largely due to high start up costs associated with government intermediaries – the vision for was born. The article cited […]